The voyage to bungalow

It was a freezing evening, the temperature was hitting around 10 degrees. Couple of buddies and me had planned to visit the haunted bungalow that we had heard about, so we drive out to visit the haunted bungalow.

 Local people sometimes visited the bungalow to test their courage. We didn’t believe in ghosts and wanted to take a picture of ourselves in the bungalow so that we could show to our friends.

That night, we set out in a car and drove up a steep and lonely mountain road. Eventually, we reached the bungalow and parked outside.

According to the urban legend it was said that, if you stood at the entrance door of the bungalow and repeated a certain phrase, a ghost was supposed to appear.

We, stood in front of the bungalow, illuminated by the car’s headlights and said, “Come out, come out you MF, wherever you are!” over and over again.

We waited, but nothing happened.

“Just like I thought,” said my friend. “There’s no ghost.”

“Yeah, it’s just a stupid legend.” said another friend, trying not to show his fear. “Come on, this is boring. Let’s take a picture and go home.”

Me and my boys gathered at the entrance of the bungalow and left the camera on the hood of the car. The timer ran down and it took a photo.

We heard the laughing of someone, at first, we thought it was a music or something like that and said ok guys turn it off.

But the laughing didn’t end, and we realised that it was a sound of a single person and didn’t sound like either one of us and there was nobody in that place except us.

 The sound eventually got closer and louder to us, my friend gave me a worried look and was sweating in fear we all were totally pissed off and the sound gradually got even intense and I realised that it was a male’s voice in his 30’s.

And there was something indescribable creepy about this laugh as if he was missing something to it you have to be there to understand what I mean the,laugh was now just edge of  door we couldn’t hear any footsteps though and it was impossible for someone to move without making noise. 

And all of a sudden the laugh stops completely we had no idea whoever that was standing as he didn’t made a single stepping sound we sat in silence looking at each other finally something  broke the silence. 

The sound of something rubbing against hoodie of my friend we saw the cap of the hoodie moved towards up, we screamed at the top of our lungs before getting out of that place we ran towards the car.

Suddenly we noticed that, there was a man who was sitting in the driver’s seat.
“Hey, who are you?” my friend shouted.

The driver didn’t respond. He just sat there.

“Come on, man, what’s wrong with you?” we said.

The man in the driver’s seat turned slowly and faced us. His face was pale and small droplets of sweat were rolling down his cheeks.

“Guys… We’re friends, right?” he said. His voice sounded like it was shaking.

 “OHH OK,” we replied. “Through thick and thin.”

“If I was in some kind of trouble, you guys would never leave me… right?” he said.

“No way,” we said. “You can always rely on us.”

The man in the driver’s seat smiled weakly and mopped his brow. There were tears in his eyes. In a faint whisper he said, “Then… Look at my feet…”

We exchanged puzzled glances and our eyes slowly moved down towards his feet.

Two white hands were coming up through the floor of the car. The long, gnarled fingers were tightly gripping the ankles of the man in the driver’s seat.

Then, suddenly, we started screaming in terror, leaving the car.

We didn’t stop running until we came to the bottom of the hill. Stopping to catch our breath, we looked at each other with horrified faces.

After a while, we cautiously made our way back to the entrance of the bungalow.

The car was still sitting there, the headlights illuminating the bungalow, but the man in the driver’s seat was gone.

He had vanished, and we never found him. After 5 min of stalking we went to our car and drove it Vroom. ..Vroom like a flash. By far my horrifying experience of my life no idea who or what the hell that was or what they wanted.

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